

“Nobody educates anybody else, nobody educates himself, people educate each other through their interactions of the world.” (Paulo Freire).

Taking this Paulo Freire's thought as starting point, we seek forces and motivations to fight for this Project.
It has three basic aspects to be discussed: Ecological, Educational and Social.


Will discuss the Cerrado, which is the springboard Country's grain production, economy source, both, for internal market and also grains export. This is just one of reasons why this precious piece of nature requires special atention. The Brazilian Cerrado already has been devastated by man, to the point of revising Forest Code, where laws have been changed to protect him. It is the role of the citizen be aware on this topic and do their part. A better interaction between man and nature is always welcome and, together, we can dream about changes.


It is the expansion of knowledge. Exchange of information and experiences, interacting the practical side with the scientific, seeking the best solution in completing this project. As Paulo Freire says: “There is no bigger knowledge or smaller knowledge. There is different knowledge”.


It is the interaction between communities, providing them employment and income. Through this, change their point of views about life and demystify certain dogmas and paradigms. The group work leads to socialization and broadens the knowledge of new techniques that can be applied.

This is a summary of the project that we are developing and is open to everybody's ideas and opinions, because one of its goals is, as always says Professor Decio Bragança, "instigate people" and make them awake in defense of Nature and Life.


To develop this website, we use the following Bibliographic References:

  • Potencialidade de utilização do Baru (Dypteryx alata Vog.) em assentamento rural no estado de Mato Grosso do Sul. Andréa Haruko Arakaki e outros. Pós-graduação de Processos Biotecnológicos, Universidade Federal do Paraná, 2009

  • O Cumbaru (Dypteryx alata Vog.), o desenvolvimento local e a sustentabilidade biológica no assentamento Andalucia, Nioaque/MS. Andréa Haruko Arakaki e outros. UFPR, 2007

  • Efeito de diferentes substratos na produção de mudas de Baru. Ana Carolina Gonçalves Rosa e outros.

  • Frutos do Brasil. Helena Tassaro.

  • Sombreamento. EMBRAPA.

  • Volume 31, número 1. Revista Brasileira de Fruticultura.

  • Jóia do Cerrado. Caderno Ciência, Jornal Estado de Minas, Edição de 19/09/2012.

  • Avaliação da influência do sombreamento artificial no desenvolvimento de novilhas em pastagens.. Tese de Doutorado, CONCEIÇÃO, M.N. ESALQ - USP. Piracicaba, 2008.